
Well, now I can officially say that having your teeth deep cleaned sucks. There's no better word for it.

Granted, maybe I should have only gotten part of my mouth done at a time like most normal people do. I spent three hours at the dentist and now I'm so hungry and thirsty and unable to talk or chew or drink.

Ugh. At least it is not supposed to be like this every time. Otherwise I think I'd rather let my teeth fall out.


kristi saidā€¦
UG! I am so sorry! I hope it feels better soon!
Kaycee saidā€¦
I am sorry. having your mouth numb is so not fun. for me, it seems to last forever! mine gets so numb that my nose and cheaks, and chin numb too.
Abby saidā€¦
3 HOURS??? What on earth could they possibly do for three fricking hours?? My gosh, I hope your teeth don't fall out as a result of the deep cleaning. Sheesh.
Brooke saidā€¦
It is quite a bummer! I HATE it as well. You're not alone sista'!
Stefanie saidā€¦
I share your dental woes, I see my dentist every three to fours months, too. I went in this morning in fact. Its not so bad, except is a pain to always find a sitter.

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