Garden Week #7: Dragging Along

Well, we had a whole bunch of casualties this week. We lost all our onion shoots, several carrot shoots, and a couple of flowers (at least, I think they were going to be flowers.) Plus, all of the strawberry plants and cucumbers have leaves that are turning brown out at the edges, the tomato plants look a little weather beaten, and something is eating large holes in our sunflower. And even though I replanted all of B's stuff, nothing is sprouting at all in her squares. And now it is too late to plant anything or it will fry to a crisp before it reaches maturity.

All in all, a very disappointing week. What are we doing wrong? Am I not watering enough? Watering too much? Is is too hot already? Terence thinks maybe our full-sun plants need some shade. But aren't they supposed to want sun all day long?

It makes me want to throw in the towel with this gardening stuff, but I can't do that yet. I still have stuff that is alive, after all. We'll stick it out. Even if we never get a harvest out of anything this spring, I can always try again in the fall.


Vera said…
Don't give up our garden took a while to get going and some plants I thought were dying still produced. It produced all summer long even in the heat. It's possible that you planted to deep as you are only suppose to plant a 1/2 inch below ground, so it takes longer for shoots to appear. Keep watching, I think you will still bear fruit. (I have always had a hard time growing things as well, and last year was our first good garden)
Kaycee said…
Oh man! I am sorry. How frustrating. Don't give up. maybe you can talk to some garden experts and see what you can do for next yr.
Abby said…
That stinks! I'm sorry to hear it. I'm terrible with plants and I've been told every time that they die because I water them too much. Maybe the same here?

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