Garden Week #7: Dragging Along
Well, we had a whole bunch of casualties this week. We lost all our onion shoots, several carrot shoots, and a couple of flowers (at least, I think they were going to be flowers.) Plus, all of the strawberry plants and cucumbers have leaves that are turning brown out at the edges, the tomato plants look a little weather beaten, and something is eating large holes in our sunflower. And even though I replanted all of B's stuff, nothing is sprouting at all in her squares. And now it is too late to plant anything or it will fry to a crisp before it reaches maturity.
All in all, a very disappointing week. What are we doing wrong? Am I not watering enough? Watering too much? Is is too hot already? Terence thinks maybe our full-sun plants need some shade. But aren't they supposed to want sun all day long?
It makes me want to throw in the towel with this gardening stuff, but I can't do that yet. I still have stuff that is alive, after all. We'll stick it out. Even if we never get a harvest out of anything this spring, I can always try again in the fall.