Sleeping Beauty was a Night Owl
I know the truth about that slumbering princess! Everyone just thought she was eternally snoozing away. In reality, she just stayed up every night and was so exhausted during the day she couldn't help but snore away the daylight hours.
That's what's going on in this house with a certain little girl. It's no wonder Sleeping Beauty is her favorite among all the princesses out there. Behold, B the Night Owl:
All of these pictures were taken at various times of the day. I only wish I could get one of her sleeping through Primary (and about to fall off her chair.)
Last night, again, B was up until at least 1 am. If this was a once-in-a-blue-moon event, I wouldn't worry so much. But it's getting to the point where she nearly has a meltdown every morning when she has to go to preschool, and she has huge dark circles under her eyes, the kind I have never before spotted on a four-year-old. I've tried waking her up early and keeping her awake all day long (which is a nightmare for everyone around her) and yet it still doesn't reset her internal clock. Even without a nap, she gets some kind of freaky second wind about 9:30pm. It's especially eerie because it coincides neatly with the absolute end of my ability to stay awake.
I've tried lying down with her in the dark, to hopefully encourage her to settle down. (This is what my mom does when B sleeps over at Grandma's house.) Unfortunately, since this is always the point where I fall unconscious if I am still for even a second, it just ends up with me asleep and my daughter playing all around me. (While I don't even hear a thing, I'm out so deep.)
It's even worse because I am fighting an inherited trait, I think. Terence, his mom, and his grandma all find it more natural to stay up until past midnight. Is your sleep cycle genetic? But what is B going to do when it comes time for kindergarten? She is going to have to learn how to get up in the morning, regardless of any natural inclinations. Help, I'm desperate for suggestions!!! Is there anything I can do? Has anyone been through this and found something that works?
we put him to bed at 9 and he usually stays up until 11 or even midnight (sometimes i'm asleep long before him). then he wakes up around 3 or 4 and talks to himself for an hour or two. strange!!! he does this 3 or 4 nights out of a week, and always has since about 9 months.
i asked his doctor what to do about it and she said to give him melatonin. it's an herb that triggers the body for at least 8 hours of sleep. so, i think it's really safe and won't cause your body to depend on it.
i haven't tried it yet because i'm hoping he'll grow out of it on his own, and since we can just shut the monitor off when he wakes up, it doesn't bother us much. but if i had to get him up at a certain time in the morning for school or whatever, i would probably start doing it.
i hope you find something that works. if you do end up using melatonin let me know how it goes because i might give it a try here soon.
good luck!
Thanks for the ideas! And I'm glad I'm not the only who has dealt with this.
It happened last night, even. I put her down at 7:30, she fell asleep, which was a miracle in itself, and then by 9:30 she was up again. I don't understand it.
Chloe has done better, but I haven't been as consistant as I need to be with "wind down" routine.