Deep Breath Before the Plunge

M went back to school today. She was almost late-- I couldn't sleep lying down, so I was on the couch. Of course I didn't hear my alarm. Since she goes so early, it was still pitch black outside, which didn't help me any either. However, after a frantic mad dash, I did get her to school on time. Even all that rushing didn't send me into labor!

Terence says that this is the scariest time of pregnancy for him. I would have thought he would be relieved that we are nearly done, but no, this is when he starts to worry about the remote possibility that I won't make it through childbirth. It's very sweet of him. I don't usually worry about that at all, except later in labor when I'm repeating "I'm going to die!" over and over.

Well, this is the last day before we get to face all of that again. Wish us luck!


by: Kim said…
Just make sure you get a blessing before you go and we will all be praying for you to have a smooth easy labor and delivery. Good Luck.
VKMyers said…
Sounds like you need to have Terence get a blessing as well as you. ;o) I know everything will go wonderfully. Hopefully by this time tomorrow there will be another little Johnson boy in the world.
Abby said…
Shoot, I'd be terrified by the thought of being left alone with four small kids, too. Fortunately, the chances of that are almost nil.

Good luck to you, heidiness! May everything come out OK in the end. :)
Ashlie Dalton said…
Do women still die in childbirth these days?!?! The thought scares me.
A blessing is a wonderful idea (something I don't think of often enough). Good luck, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and baby.
Kaycee said…
I too think a blessing will be good. I am sure you will be just fine, but it will calm your nerves. I thought the second time around for me, I wouldn't be nervous. But I was just as nervous. But These days it's almost unheard of people dying. I am so excited for you!!! I will be waiting here for all the details. Can you bring your computer with you, and tell us the whole labor story?? I love hearing those stories. Well Good luck!
Brooke said…
Good luck. We'll be praying for you. I don't think labor gets any less scary each time. I've done it 4 times now, and each labor and delivery has been so different. I remember being in the elevator up to the delivery rooms thinking, "Actually, I changed my mind, I really don't want to do this now." But, of course it was 9 months too late by that point. Thank goodness for Epidurals. There's a reason I wasn't born as a pioneer woman on the plains. :)

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