Light at the End of the Tunnel

OK, this is the final countdown!

I had an OB appointment today, and she is concerned about how big I'm getting and that my blood sugar levels are creeping higher. So I have been officially scheduled to be induced on Friday. Unless the little one decides to jump the gun and come in the next two days, it looks like the big day will be the 9th.

I've never been induced before, so I was a little bit shocked when she handed me my appointment. The hospital wants me to check in at 3 am!!! Well! That should be interesting. The nice thing is that I can plan ahead of time to have my mom spend the night on Thursday with the kids, rather than waking her up in the middle of the night. Terence is planning to work on Thursday before taking me in-- I wonder if he will get any sleep at all? Or maybe he will be dozing off by the time I'm pushing the baby out?

I had high hopes to deliver this baby naturally, like I had B, but the odds are kind of against it. I'm still finding it hard to breathe because of the cold, and as I understand, sometimes induced labors are high on the pain scale. Oh well. As long as the baby is healthy and I survive, that's all that matters.


VKMyers said…
Yea for you! I'm so excited for you! Hopefully I won't be too far behind. And I can tell you from experience that the pitocin they used to move me along made my contractions jump from about a 1.5 on the pain scale one contraction to about a 12 the next. I don't know if it works that way with everyone, but it did with me so be prepared. It's crazy stuff. Here's hoping everything goes fantastically for you! WooHoo!!! I'm so excited!
Ashlie Dalton said…
Great, congratulations! So, what exactly is it to be induced? Is that when they use petocin (spelling)? I mean I know that they schedule you for delivery, and make you go into labor- I'm just curious because I know the doctor ended up using petocin on me... does that mean I was induced?
Abby said…
I think being induced only means that you weren't in labor before and they make you go into labor. If you were already in labor, giving you pitocin doesn't count as being induced--it's just helping things along.

Man, on the one hand, Heidi, I am very happy for you for the Friday thing. On the other, the induction makes me feel for you. I've been induced both times, both times I had back labor, and both times the epidural didn't work (1st one didn't work until RIGHT before I started to push and the 2nd didn't work at all because his face was pressing against my spine so much the meds couldn't get through). And yes, you'll definitely want drugs if you're being induced. Holy crap you'll want them. Sweetsmilz has it right--those contractions have no natural buildup at all. They are absolute hell once they really get going. And then they only turn the pitocin up even higher. It sucks. I feel for you. Good luck.
Kaycee said…
woo hoo! I am excited for you! I know what you mean about not wanting to be induced. I went on my own with Abbey, and was induced with Jaden. I was induced 8 days early because he was big. He was 10 pounds, at a week early. I wonder how big your baby will be. Inducing isn't bad. well that is if you get an epadoral.
Kaycee said…
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