A Day in the Life, 2013 Edition

Remember back at the beginning of 2011 I decided to do a little thing I called "A Day in the Life"?  I never did finish since I ended up having a baby that year and new babies tend to turn things upside down.  But I enjoyed it, so I'm going to try and do it again this year.

The plan is that right now I'm going to pick a random date for each member of the family.  Then when that day comes, I'll write a post about what that day was like from the perspective of that particular family member.  I had a blast last time learning what J and M had thought about their days and it was interesting to note down what they had done.

So this year's dates are as follows:

S -- May 13th
K -- November 9th
B -- January 25th
J -- March 14th
M -- October 14th
Heidi -- September 1st
Terence -- July 20th

I have no idea what day of the week those dates even fall on so who knows what kinds of days we'll be having!  But we will find out. . . .Look for B's first at the end of the month.


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