It's Not Just My Imagination

Yesterday I had another ultrasound-- probably my last for this pregnancy, with any kind of luck. It's strange-- it's not like I've never had a complicated pregnancy before, between placenta previa, preterm labor, miscarriages, and with M, no idea when I conceived (that's a long story.) Yet with this one I've certainly had a ton more ultrasounds. If I'd kept all the pictures I could have had an ultrasound-only scrapbook. You know you've been in a lot when the ultrasound tech not only remembers your name, but remembers that you're having a boy.

Anyway, this one was to check my unusually large size again. So the definite call is that I'm carrying a big baby plus way too much amniotic fluid. No wonder I feel like a beached whale. The good news is that the baby is measuring about 6 lbs (not bad for 34 weeks.) Since he seems determined to come early, he might as well be big. The bad news is that my cervix has shortened down into nothing. Well, the ultrasound tech seemed to think that was bad news. I couldn't say that I was surprised. What have all these teeth-grinding contractions been doing, if that isn't the case? As for all the amniotic fluid, apparently this is common with gestational diabetes and nothing to worry about-- it just makes me more uncomfortable. Plus the baby is still able to pummel me in ways that he shouldn't by now because he still has room to swing around all over the place.

There were a couple of really cute moments. Since I've never had an ultrasound so late in the pregnancy, I've never gotten to see the baby trying to breathe before. You can actually watch the fluid go in and out of his nose. Plus he seemed to be swallowing the amniotic fluid and then sticking out his tongue. It was fun to see.

Overall, clearly we are winding down in this pregnancy in one way or another, and it looks like he just might be ready to arrive when it does. Hooray!


Anonymous saidā€¦
That's wonderful news. Maybe you can relax a little....ha ha. Is that possible?
Ashlie Dalton saidā€¦
That's great! I bet you're ready to be done with the bed rest!
by: Kim saidā€¦
Ultrasounds are neat. I only had one with my second child at 11 weeks, It would have been cool to have one later in pregnancy, but when I was having kids they didn't do them like they do now. I hope all is well with you and that the time will pass quickly since bed rest is so exciting. Good luck with everything.
Kaycee saidā€¦
yippy! your almost done! I know how you feel. I had lots of amunotic fluid too, plus big babies. So my belly was HUGE!
When they checked me for the fluid levels, all 7 erea's were full, plus my 9 and a half pound baby. my son was 10 pounds. I feel your pain and discomfort.

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